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Shohrukh Dadakhon Khasan
💻Full Stack Developer
🤖Mechatronics Engineer (Soon)
X Print Labs - Web Connected Remote Controlled FDM 3D Printer

We are developing a web-connected and remotely controlled FDM 3D printer as our final year project with a team of three members. My role primarily focuses on software and algorithm design, encompassing the development of a web application, integration of slicing mechanisms, communication protocols, automatic print failure detection system, and firmware integration.

Skills: HTML, CSS, JS, jQuery, Express, Node.js, Python, IoT, Mechatronics, 3D Printer, Project Management
Automatic Print Failure Detection System with Multimodal LLMs

I built an automatic print failure detection system utilizing Google Gemini Pro (1.0) Vision and Microsoft Kosmos-2 Multimodal LLMs. Configured a Google Compute Engine Virtual Machine to execute the models.

Skills: Multimodal LLM, Large Language Model, Google Gemini, Google Compute Engine, Virtual Machine (VM), Python, 3D Printer
Automatic Print Failure Detection System with Deep Learning Algorithms

I'm developing an automatic print failure detection system utilizing YOLOv8 and YOLOv9 Deep Learning Algorithms. Trained multiple models for Spaghetti Failure Detection.

Skills: YOLO, Deep Learning, Python

I built Pidief so students don't have to waste time looking for lecture notes. Pidief is a course documents sharing platform for college students. Students can sign up using their university email address and start studying using the shared lecture notes by other students. Also they can share course documents themselves.

Skills: Full Stack Development, Web Application, HTML, CSS, JS, jQuery, Express, Node.js, MongoDB, Large Language Models, Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG), Virtual Machines, Linux, UI/UX Design, Email Server, Database Management, GitHub, Server Security, AWS S3, Digital Ocean
Automatic UAV Collision Avoidance and Warning System - Lagari UAV Team

Worked on an automated collision avoidance mechanism for the Lagari UAV Team. This system was simulated using the Mission Planner ground control station. Additionally, I designed and implemented a warning graphical user interface (GUI) within Mission Planner for the operator.

Skills: Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV), C#, Mission Planner, Graphical User Interface (GUI)
Anti-Lock Mechanism for UAV Evasion - Lagari UAV Team

Worked on an anti-lock mechanism for our UAV to evade detection and lock-on by other UAVs during the Fighter UAV Competition - Teknofest 2021

Skills: Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV), C#, Mission Planner
PLC Based Automated Warehouse Management System

We developed an automatic warehouse management system consisting of conveyor, elevator, and various sensors with our team of three using FPWIN Pro PLC programming tool.

Skills: Programmable Logic Controller (PLC), FPWIN Pro, Industrial Automation
GUI for Measuring Objects in the Image via Single View Metrology

Developed an obect size measurement tool and a GUI.

Skills: Image Processing, Graphical User Interface (GUI), PyQt5, Python, OpenCV

I developed a web application that helps users compare options among different cargo companies, enabling them to find the best price and reviews for a specific destination.

Skills: Full Stack Development, Web Application, HTML, CSS, JS, jQuery, Express, Node.js, MongoDB
Internship Finder

It was really frustrating to find an internship so I designed a web app so students can easily find engineering internships. But I didn't launch it.

Skills: Full Stack Development, Web Application, HTML, CSS, JS, jQuery, Express, Node.js, MongoDB
Light Following Robot - Intro to Mechatronics

As part of my introduction to mechatronics engineering course, my partner and I constructed a light-following robot capable of directing a laser towards a light source.

Skills: C++, Arduino, Servo Motor
Checklist Application - Lagari UAV Team

Developed a checklist application using the Java programming language to facilitate and enhance the ease and reliability of pre-flight inspection procedures.

Skills: Java, Mobile Application